Minneapolis is the World’s Best?

– Brit's Pub Sells More New Castle –

For all you sporting the “MN Love” type shirts, this is probably something you already knew; The Twin Cities are the Best.

Best Parks, Best Schools, Best Places to Live….but what you might not be savvy too, is that apparently we’re also some of the world’s best drinkers!

For 5 years running, Brit’s Pub, in downtown Minneapolis, has outsold every other bar/restaurant in the world, including in the motherland (England) for Newcastle.

Sure, they might be ‘cheating’ a little, by serving a proper English-Sized Pint (20oz.), but hey, whose complaining about a free extra ounces of beer anyway?



Friday, March 31st @4-11pm


Brit’s Pub will be celebrating this official title from happy hour and through the night in their upstairs Verdana room.


$2 Pints and Free Gifts from the Brewery for the 1st 500 guests.  Seriously, the $2 Newcastle is transporting me back to my college days!


The night will be filled with beer classic British rock, a ala Local favorites The Teddy Holidays.




Teddy Holidays

$2, 20oz Pints
Free Gifts
Free Music
Brewery hosting extra special surprises
Lots of drunks spouting accents
Downtown Minneapolis

– Here's the Deal –

Nothing on this matter for now. But this is a good post.