Bars and Socialization
– Why Drinking Establishments Are Good for Community Health –
By Matt Dowgwillo - Oct 12, 2021
We live in a world where much of our socialization is done through our phones and computers–through Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and texting. There is certainly a benefit to having more options for connecting to people, but in the end there’s really no substitute for face-to-face socialization. Local drinking establishments, like bars, pubs, and breweries, provide the perfect space for these get togethers and are absolutely vital to their communities. With that in mind, here are just some of the benefits of visiting your local watering hole.
Good Friends
According to an Oxford University study, people who have a regular drinking establishment that they frequently visit “have more close friends on whom they can depend for support, are more satisfied with their lives, and feel more embedded in their local communities.” The same study found that people who drink at bars tend to have longer conversations with others and are less distracted by their phones. That’s quite a list of benefits for a place where you go to have a couple of beers! Of course, we all know that community drinking establishments offer much more than a cold brew.
Avoiding Isolation
Bars, breweries, and other drinking establishments offer a space, away from the home or the office, to socialize. Human interaction is vital to living a healthy, happy life. The health benefits of being social are numerous and have been proven through multiple studies. People who are isolated have a higher risk of mortality, according to one study. And, despite what you may think, this isn’t just about seniors (who we typically think of as being more isolated). In fact, the risk is just as great if not greater in younger age groups.
“The association between loneliness and risk for mortality among young populations is actually greater than among older populations. Although older people are more likely to be lonely and face a higher mortality risk, loneliness and social isolation better predict premature death among populations younger than 65 years,” notes Brigham Young University.
Good for Seniors
Socializing at a bar also has specific benefits for seniors. When it comes to keeping your brain sharp and fighting off cognitive decline, science is beginning to find that socializing plays a huge role.
Harvard Medical Publishing identifies a recent study that confirms that older people “who interacted with people beyond their usual social circle of family and close friends were more likely to have higher levels of physical activity, greater positive moods, and fewer negative feelings.”
Staving Off Depression
Social people are also less likely to develop problems with depression. They get more restful sleep, and even benefit on a physical level. One study found that social people have better immune responses, which could mean that getting out and having fun at your local bar could help you fight off that nagging cold.
Exercise… No, Really!
If you’re moving to a new area, look for a place that’s walkable and relatively close to local establishments. That will give you increased motivation to get out there and get your daily steps in — which means more fresh air. It’s also a great excuse to get to know your new neighborhood, and the people in it.
People can fraternize in a lot of settings. You can talk to people at work or at the grocery store. You can say hi to strangers in the park or make small talk with the waiter at your favorite lunch spot. There’s something about a drinking establishment, however, that makes socialization not only easier but much more enjoyable. Sure, alcohol helps. But it’s also about the fact that people come together for a singular purpose at a neighborhood bar, and there is a lot of common ground to be shared. Many people go to their local bar to relax, forget about the stresses of their daily lives, and talk to other like-minded individuals about their communities.
Communities are served by all of their local businesses and institutions, but there’s something special about drinking establishments and their role in the communities they inhabit. Be sure to visit your favorite watering hole soon!
Craft Notes Mobile App & Social Club is a fun way to explore new places, gather with friends, meet new people, and enjoy complimentary drink rewards when you support local.
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