Red Stag’s Excellent Happy Hour
By Matt Dowgwillo - Mar 1, 2017
I might be a little biased, as the Red Stag is definitely one of my favorite restaurants in Minneapolis. If you’re looking for a swanky happy hour, with great food in a cool atmosphere, you’re going to love the deals, and the gourmet take on traditional Minnesotan fare served up at the Red Stag.
I’ve been there for brunch so many times I can’t even count, and their Tuesday date night is such a good deal…
Anyway, we stopped in last Wednesday for some late night snacks and music.
And a little tip: for those of you missing the piano-karaoke that made Nye’s Polonaise such a great experience, is now being hosted there, the night we were in.
Updated Happy Hours
Here is what we had. We skipped the Truffle Kettle Corn, it is seriously 1 of the best things you will ever put in your mouth.
#1: Smelt Fries
If you’re from the Lake Superior side of MN, you’ll for sure know what I’m talking about here; Smelt Fries are an occasional treat that you absolutely love.
The Red Stag’s smelt are a good size, and they take the time to dehead-and gut them before beer-battering them and frying them perfectly extra crispy. Served with a side of house-made tartar and a smoky-ketchup. YUM!
#2: “Chislic”
I don’t really know the term “Chislic,” but what I do know is steak and fried potato, and this dish meats all your munchie needs.
The steak is cubed and served well done (which I personally would have prefferred a little rarer), but this dish meets all the taste-points of a great dish:
- Salty Steak for savory.
- Spicy/Sweet Asian-style BBQsauce that reminded me of a Texas take on Teriyaki.
- Crunchy potato sticks on top.
#3 Fried Pickles
Crispy and darn good. More of a friend’s dish than mine, but each pickle chip was crisp and dill and great.
You can see the rest of the food specials menu below.
Happy Hour Drinks
Wash that late-night food down with great drink specials.
- $4 Rails & Wine
- $2 off Craft Beer (making them $3.50-5)

– Here's the Deal –
One of Minneapolis' best happy hour spots!